Service to Government     

About Us

NAMA is governed by an elected Executive Board consisting of four officers, President, two Vice Presidents, and Secretary-Treasurer. Every other year the regular members of NAMA elect a President and a Vice President who serve two year terms, and a Secretary-Treasurer who also serves a two year term. In our organization it has been a tradition that the Secretary-Treasurer remains for an extended period of time in that position to maintain consistency of records, bank accounts, and organizational contact. The Secretary-Treasurer serves as the executive officer of the association.

Mass appraisal, for our purposes, is generally defined as the process of valuing a large number of properties, typically a universe involving all the properties in a single political subdivision or all the properties in a single class (such as residential) within a political subdivision, utilizing standard systems and methodology, and employing common data. A quality mass appraisal system will provide for statistical testing of the resultant work product. The end result of a mass appraisal program is improved assessment, equalization, and equity.

Since its inception, NAMA has provided instructors and trained professionals who have provided group and individual education. NAMA has been involved in established mass appraisal guidelines and standards for the membership to follow. This in turn creates a comfort level among the clients who use our services. Our organization has several qualified instructors who have instructed educational courses for the benefit of other appraisal organizations.

NAMA Officers

Robert Ehler
Vanguard Appraisals, Inc.
1065 Sierra Court NE, Suite D
Cedar Rapids, IA 52402
Vice President
A.Kent Allison
Pritchard & Abbott, Inc.
4900 Overton Commons Court
Fort Worth, TX 76132-3687
Vice President
Jon D. Neely, P.E.
Capitol Appraisal Group, Inc.
9300 Research Boulevard, Suite 100
Austin, TX 78759-6520
Vice President - Secretary/Treasurer
Gregg Davis
Capitol Appraisal Group, Inc.
9300 Research Boulevard, Suite 100
Austin, TX 78759-6520